


2020-06-30 09:14:00

2020-06-30 09:14:00




诺丁汉大学英国烟草与酒精研究中心主任兼呼吸医学顾问约翰·布里顿(John Britton)教授将这项研究描述为“非系统的概述……并且可靠性存疑”。他指出以下事实:审查显示,使用电子烟会使慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)的风险增加194%,但这是一种需要数十年才能体现出来的疾病,这意味着电子烟的出现相对较近期不太可能成为一个因素。

英国电子烟行业协会(UKVIA)主任约翰·邓恩(John Dunne)表示:“我们很失望地看到这样的高度可疑的评论继续破坏电子烟的明显公共卫生潜力。在英国,每年有75,000多人死于与吸烟有关的疾病,因此至关重要的是,减少伤害的工具(例如电子烟产品已被英国公共卫生部认可是最成功的戒烟方法之一)。号召正确评估,不要无端猜测与恐吓。

伦敦帝国理工学院呼吸内科读者尼克·霍普金森博士(Dr Nick Hopkinson)对报告做出回应,强调如果吸烟者将其用作戒烟工具,总体上可为健康吸烟提供好处:


Experts respond to ‘questionable’ vape report

June 29, 2020

Experts have united in criticism of a review by the University of Mainz which conflates the harm between vape products, shisha use and traditional cigarettes.

The report led to headlines around the world declaring that both vaping and tobacco smoking were responsible for stiffening arteries and causing lung disease. Yet, scientists and experts in tobacco control and medicine were quick to respond and put the results in context.

Prof John Britton, Director of the UK Centre for Tobacco & Alcohol Studies and Consultant in Respiratory Medicine, University of Nottingham described the study as an “unsystematic overview… and of questionable reliability”. He pointed to the fact that the review shows e-cigarette use increases the risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) by 194% but that this is a disease which takes decades to manifest meaning that the relatively recent arrival of e-cigarettes is unlikely to be a factor.

John Dunne, director at the UK Vaping Industry Association (UKVIA) said: “We are disappointed to see that highly questionable reviews such as this continue to undermine the clear public health potential of vaping. With more than 75,000 people dying of smoking-related diseases every year in the UK, it is vital that harm-reduction tools, such as vape products which have been acknowledged by Public Health England as one of the most successful ways to quit smoking, are evaluated correctly, and not subjected to speculation and scare-stories.

Dr Nick Hopkinson, reader in Respiratory Medicine at Imperial College London, responded to the report by underlining the overall benefits to health vaping offers if smokers use it as a tool to quit:

“No serious commentator claims that vaping is completely harmless, but the hazard compared to smoking is much lower. In the long-term smokers who have switched to vaping should be encouraged to quit vaping too, though not at the expense of going back to smoking. Non-smokers should avoid vaping.”

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